Create Curate Playlists Effortlessly
with AI Playlist Icon

The only playlist maker you need to create and customize playlists on Spotify from the first song.

🚀 Accelerate the creation of your playlist!

Powerful features to create your playlist fast!

Automate your playlist creation. Focus on bringing unique music experiences to life.

🚀 Start your playlist in minutes!

We handle the heavy lifting—Authentication, Profile Management, seamless Spotify integration, and more—so you can focus on what matters: generating the perfect playlist based on user prompts.

With our platform, you can focus entirely on curating custom playlists while we take care of the rest.

Flow of how playbuddy connects with spotify, soundcloud and deezer
Login Image with example accounts
⏩ Fast Authentication!

The only thing you want to do is create an account in these 3 platforms to enjoy our service.

⚠️ NOTE! It's mandatory have an account in these platforms to let playbuddy communicate with them to create playlists automatically without effort.

✅ Its too Practice!

It's basically plug and play but with inputs.

Just type what you want and click the button, yes and that's it!

Image of the usage of playbuddy

Frequently Asked Questions

Have another question? Contact me by Email or send me a DM on Twitter

How does the playlist generator work?

Our generator takes your input (like genre, mood, or activity) and creates a personalized playlist by connecting to music platforms like Spotify. Just tell us what you're in the mood for, and we'll handle the rest! 🎶

Which music platforms are supported?

Currently, we support Spotify platform 🎛️

Is there a limit to how many playlists I can generate?

Currently the limit is a maximum of 10 generations per payment! 🎚️